Fucking exam that makes me bermuram durja~
As the secretary of A&A company..i got the title to edit anything in this Blllogger.. like my boss said just now..(hang sorang aa boleh tambah tolak dalam ni)..(or izzit i got this opportunity bcoz i'm so fucking strees up boss??) wahh bestnya kalo dlm reality boss nampak para pekerja dia bermuram durja..dia bagi kesenangan.. wahh..wahhh...
why i'm in the stress mode boss? why? it's all becoz the fucking exam that we took just now. n not only just now...plus with the exam on last thursday..fucking hell..
supposedly, as this is the final finals for the entire years in Multimedia University Ayer Keroh Melaka, i should be happening, chilling, lompating, dangduting, reggaeing, and so on .. but helloooo (if rite now im in front of yah and nik...sepantas kilat cari phone n cakap hello) hellloo..cemana nak buat suma tu if i already know what the result is...??? baik takyah baca from the beginning..takyah nak kalut nak p ke laut balik umah semata-mata nak baca buku end up..skanky bastard takleh jawab jugak kan???
but then i realize... when
yah: "d..takpelah..dah abih dah..takyah laa pk2 kan lagi..jomla p makan..hang satu hari tak makan"
nik:'how's ur paper?oo ok..aku tak tdo ni..tanak cakap ke?oo ok..humm siannya, nak mcd lagi?"
ali:"hello..how are u?" still bermuram durja?relax aa d.. kalo aku jadi hang aku dah msg poji cakap tesilap tulih number question"ahahhaha hang biaq benaq tatau..ke hang tak sempat...takpa d.. buleh punya"
yed:"jangan bersedih lagi...hellloo..nii last paper ko kat mmu..patutnya ko chillin'... ehh tau dulu poji injakkan baper banyak? 8 tau...8 bukannye sikit..buleh punya..."
the concern and care from everyone in these group...although most people would see..alahh diorang ni kawan sesama bcoz they are the left one..kalo tak takdeknye sekali..no..not in these group..seronok2 jugak.. happy2 jugak..when it comes to sedih2 emo2, bermuram durja n everything..everybody would support each other.. it's not like..pegila mampos..ko punya idup aku peduli aper..(like most of people would do..)
conclusion...betulla buat aper nak bermuram durja???baik aku gi chillin'..pegila mampos..nak pk buat aper lagi? dah abeh abeh dah.. dah buat buat dah...macamla kalo aku bermuram durja ni poji n raquib akan nampak then terus ala kesiannya dia..dia takleh chillin' lepas abih xm...kesiannya kawan2 dia... pasal dia dok diam bermuram durja..suma tepaksa lupakan nak pegi chillin'...
i don't give a fuck of what will come out coz im not that kind of type a people..
tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....im backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!
nak gi makan..lapar lapar lapar....nak gi makan burger obr..nakgi makan nasi subaidah ayam+sayur... wahh banyaknya nak makan lagi...arghhh lapar lapar...nak gi makan maggi lahh... nyummnyumm.. anyone want my happiness maggi????
oh oh oh.... guys...thank u so much....if im in the wrong group of frens...i think rite now i still be in bermuram durja mode...thank u..ammmmmmmmmmmmuahsss.... nah amik suma air liur aku... sekian... selamat hari raya..mintak ampun mintak maap... terimalah dendangan laguku untukmu suma..
Saya ada burung pipit
Satu hari jatuh sakit
Saya fikir nyamuk gigit
Gigit mata burung pipit...
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