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Thursday, February 17, 2005

Utusan Malaysia, February 18

Menurut Hishammuddin, pihaknya menerima banyak permohonan guru dari Kelantan yang ingin kembali ke negeri tersebut dan mereka adalah yang paling ramai di kalangan guru yang ingin berpindah.
"Tetapi agak malang setelah diluluskan, mereka mendatangkan masalah kepada pelajar dengan mengajar Bahasa Inggeris dalam dialek Kelantan,'' katanya.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, are we (the non-bumis, that is) really to believe that the government will abolish or tone down the New Economic Policy in the near future? We must be realistic, if you have the right to buy a property at a discount and have scholarships for your children, would you let go of these rights?

With Chinese population dwindling in Malaysia, what needs to be done depends on the Chinese themselves.

There is nothing wrong with the brain drain. In fact, we should encourage our children to move to Singapore, Taiwan, China etc. if we disagree with Malaysian government policies that are based on race and religion.

When it comes to the matter of the dwindling number of Chinese Malaysians, we should talk about quality, not quantity.

We should resolve why the Chinese-Malaysian population is reducing. Official figures have more than one million Chinese Malaysians emigrating over the past 25 years. Why did they emigrate? I am sure the government knows.

Straight A students can't get scholarships or university places. Nothing new, it's been that way for the past 35 years. Nowadays, even enlightened malay Malaysians are speaking up on this injustice. The MCA and Gerakan? Busy making money from private colleges.

What's so great about having TAR College or Utar which took more than 35 years of begging? Why should it be so difficult to set up an independent university when we have scores of public ones?

While we push young talented people away, other countries notably Singapore, the US and Australia welcome them with open arms.

Is it logical that we drive away our young talented ones and then invite retired Mat Sallehs to live here and exploit our low-cost of living?

Singapore's success in particular owes much to these ex-Malaysians or their descendants including Hon Sui Sen, Goh Keng Swee, Goh Chok Tong, just to name a few.

About 30 percent of top management in both Singapore's government and corporate sector are ex-Malaysians. We export them so that Singapore can compete with, and then whack us.

Korea and Taiwan, both way behind us in the 70s and 80s are now way ahead. Thailand is breathing down our necks.

Sadly, there is just no integrity in the nation's leadership.

7:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I admire your guts and will in achieving your goal. Not many of us could do that. What you have posted here could be very well the truth sadly. If only you could forward this to every minister and even our very own PM, so that he will know just what every deserving student feel when they are being rejected.

I am sure they know but until and unless someone takes the initiative to write them personally, it will still be a lost because for the next generation. Those sitting comfortably in their ministerial positions won't be willing to stir things and get the boot, but I am sure if you could write to the PM, things could be a little different...........perhaps. But you will never know if you don't try.

If we can get what is offered here like in abroad why do we want to work abroad?

My cousin who was the best scorer for 2004 SPM (14As I think) is in the US right now, Wellesly Collage and she was offered a training programme while she was only there after 6 months - depending on her performance in the programme, she will be offered a high paid post on her graduation.

Thus she is the only daughter with no father, her mother is willing to emigrate for her sake! Why? Because she knows that in Malaysia, nothing like that will be offered to her!

Try for sharing your experience with us too, and we all know that even if you have a perfect score, you may not be sent abroad, remember the highest scorer from Sg Petani 2 or 3 years ago? The one who wanted to do medical but was given something else, where other not so better candidates were offered prime courses in top choice.........

Well it is the same every year, you get stories like that and as for your statement of needing to work hard abroad, I think it ring true everywhere, not only abroad but at home as well. For at least in the US, if you work hard with the results you will get the due recognition, where else it is a different ball game here Malaysia!

And for the education system which the government is experimenting at cost of our children, soon we will be really backdated. Look at the standard produced yearly and it does shows. Yet for all the ministers may talk, how many of you know a minister son studying in local sekolah jenis kebangsaan?

I doubt it.........

So the story is simple..........when most of the Chinese have left this country then the population of malays will outnumber the rest and this gives them even more voice, and the remaining groups will have to suffer more.

So how? Maybe we can ask the government for a piece of land, maybe an island and we can start afresh from there and call it China-newland. And 10 years later we will be better than Malaysia. Is that workable? never knows.

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree with you……….

I feel so sad that our MCA and Gerakan……….all blind..........act like idiots, they even go to blame professional non-malays for leaving our country……….Sad to say they just want to serve their own private interests. They are the worshippers, followers of the great greedy.

They shamelessly lie, mislead and deceive on all issues, we find the traces of work of these running dogs. They distorted facts, twisting the principle of social fairness, justice and equality, for just to win a bone throws by their master.

The people acted like beasts, had already traded their souls with the devil.

My daughter scored straight As in her STPM exam in 2003, but she was only offered a place to pursue an ordinary science course in University Malaya instead of her choice pharmacy course. Other students (malay pig) with 2B 2C result had the opportunities to enter pharmacy course.

Eventually, my daughter decided to apply Singapore University, she was not only accepted to study a course of her choice, but was also offered a scholarship. Where is the justice?

Now I am thinking to emigrate to Australia for good.

Like many others say, losers will stay, go out winner.

I sympathize with you on your some bad experiences in foreign countries. I can relate 10 similar bad experiences in Malaysia, and I can also relate 10 good experiences in foreign countries. So it is not the few bad experiences that should determine your and your offspring's future.

You feel comfortable in Malaysia because that is your comfort zone, so you prefer not to leave. In a foreign country you don't know their custom as well so you might have behaved inappropriately that caused some bad vibes. Understandable.

All the same, a frog in a well can only describe the world as big as a well. I am not saying you are a frog, just a Chinese saying.

For my overseas experience, I can say that Australia is very beautiful, very high class, very nice country! Indonesia otherwise is making troubles, terrorists, robbers, pirates, they are a "negative group inferior people".

Never go to this inferior country travel, your life will be safe, don't forget terrorist attack in Bali Island. Never employ this inferior people working in your house, they can murder your family and took away your money. Never employ this inferior people working in your factory, they can damage your machines.

I suggest we must employ India, Thailand, Vietnam labours. Thank for cooperate.

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Malaysia export electronic goods, furniture, oil, palm oil, rubber, textile, tin……….and multi-lingual human talents.

There is nothing wrong with those who choose to stay overseas. As highlighted in my view, even my best mate and the best man for my wedding has sown roots in Singapore - I definitely don't "begrudge" him for that.

To me, do not begrudge them who are justly reaping the fruit of their hard labour and paying back a debt to the hand which fed them. It is very difficult to continue to love your motherland which does not love you in return.

And what facilities (hardware and software) do we have to offer? Besides, what financial package could local varsities offer? Last but not least, the factor of critical mass. Can some one find the like-minded colleague to pursue what he is researching right now?

There is nothing wrong with having different philosophies in life and taking the route that best fit those philosophies.

To some up the things, the affirmative policies should go. However it won't take place very soon or even be forever.

I have heard those "Malaysia Truly Asia" commercials on CNN over and over. I always felt the slogan was rather fishy. But you have supplied important details about matters that I only had a vague awareness of.

Why don't you do something to challenge the slogan? After all, Malaysia is discriminating against people of the two main nations in Asia, China and India. How dare the Malaysia government claim to represent the true Asia?

There is a theory say that Malaysia may suffer in 50 years time because all the best brains will leave the country once and for all because of the affirmative policies. Brain drain still takes place even today and tomorrow, and forever as long as the government protect particular race and particular industry.

If the theory is correct (time will tell), then the so-called world class universities will stay as dream forever. To be world class, there should be 100% open policy with fair play field.

Bolehland is still in denial syndrome.

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From time immemorial, people move from place to place for one reason or another. After the formation of nations, the mobility of educated and highly skilled professionals affects nations. Brain drain means large numbers of these people emigrate to another nation.

The government should form a special commission on the movement of educated and highly skilled people to study and monitor their staying, leaving from and returning to the country. A country that has more talents is certainly better than the one without.

For decades, we have broached the subject of brain drain within and outside parliament. Large numbers of educated and highly skilled people leave this country to live and work in another one where pay and conditions are better.

In the beginning, some ministers and civil servants boomed out big words, saying that those who left were not loyal to the country and that their departure was good riddance.

Now, there are some people saying one thing and meaning another in government departments and universities. They mouth meritocracy and talents and yet they are mediocre, feudal and bloody-minded. They talk nine words at once, but they undermine highly skilled people. Hence, it is not surprising that returning scientists experience the delay in immigration clearance.

However, the crux of the matter is finding the factors that determine the mobility of highly skilled people, whether brain drain or the other way.

Because the Malaysia government imposes racial quota in education and government departments, therefore Singapore and other countries take fortune at the tide. For years, there has been brain drain to our neighbour.

Clearly, there has always been movement of highly skilled people in and out of a country. If there is brain drain from a particular country, it can scarcely develop. On the other hand, if it can keep its talents and successfully attract its skilled citizens to return as well as foreign talents to come, it will prosper.

2:14 PM  

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